The month of May and therefore our celebration of National Home Remodeling month is coming to an end. We are excited for the summer and working with clients on their home remodeling projects! To wrap up the kickoff of the home remodeling season, we thought we’d share...
Dale’s Remodeling Corner
Why your Remodeling Contractor Should Purchase the Materials
With every home improvement or remodel project, there are materials that need to be purchased. Either you, the client, buys the products and hires a contractor for installation only, or you have the contractor supply material and labor for the project. There are few...
The Art of Finish Carpentry
What is Finish Carpentry Finish carpentry is the final step in the carpentry process. It involves the installation of finish woods and trims. It might seem simple, but the finish carpentry is what people see -- it needs to be completed well and correctly. A certain...
How to Prevent Frozen Pipes
Hello everyone. I thought this would be a good time to talk about how to prevent frozen pipes. It is important during the winter to be mindful of warning signs and address any small plumbing issues immediately. Frozen pipes can burst and then you have an even bigger...
Dale’s Corner: Aging-in-Place
Hello everyone, Dale here. As many of you know, the house I built and lived in for 34 years is for sale. My wife, Dianne, and I enjoyed our time there and we considered growing old(er) in the home. However, in the end we purchased a house that better...
Why Choose a Design-Build Remodeling Contractor
One of the aspects I enjoy most about my job is seeing a project go from concept to completion. The process is incredibly satisfying. The great thing about being a design-build contractor, is we get to experience this on a regular basis; both with residential and...
Dale Gruber’s Construction Career Story
We sat down with Dale Gruber, the owner of Home Check Plus and Dale Gruber Construction and asked him a few questions about his career in construction. Why did you want to go into carpentry/construction? I always liked making things with my...
How Long Will a Home Remodel Take?
We often are asked questions relating to the timing of remodel projects – when should I contact a contractor about my project? How long will it take to get a bid? When can you start my project? While it depends on the size and type of project, here’s a...
Dale’s Corner – What it means to be a licensed residential building contractor
For anyone who's done work with us before, you've probably seen a little "MN Lic. #BC171672" on our letterhead, business cards, etc. In case you're wondering, it is our builder's license number. Since not everyone is privy to the construction industry, I thought I'd...
Dale Gruber’s Hammer Guide
One might think a hammer is a hammer, right? Actually, there are different hammers for different applications. The wide variety of hammer designs lets you find one that's right for your project. Here are three of the most common types of hammers: Finish Hammer Usually...
Dale’s Corner – DIY Deck
Have you always dreamed of building your own deck? While building a deck is a fairly large and complicated construction project, it is possible to do-it-yourself. You will need several tools including (hammer, tape measure, level, cordless drill & saw) and a...
General Contractor Liability
Thinking about acting as your own general contractor for your remodel or new home project? If so, it is important you have adequate liability insurance protection. Reason being: if a subcontractor you hire is injured on the job, you could be held responsible for...

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