Did you know Home Check Plus has a referral program? We do! And we recently updated it!
A significant amount of our work comes from HCP clients sharing our name with their friends, family and business associates. We truly appreciate the referrals as we believe it is the most significant measurement of a client’s satisfaction.
So, tell all of your friends and family to contact Home Check Plus for their home improvement project! When their project is complete, you can choose either:
$50 Gift Card OR
$50 Donation to your favorite charity!
Referrals = Rewards!

Check it out!

CMBA Home & Lifestyle Show Kids Build
The CMBA Home & Lifestyle Show is this weekend, March 13-15! HCP/DGC is a proud sponsor of the FREE Kids Build seminar, which takes place on Saturday and Sunday at 1:00pm. This year the project is this cute shelf with hooks!

Our DGC/HCP team was involved in the 2nd annual EPIC (Exploring Potential Interests & Careers) event held at SCTCC. Over 4,000 high school students from 25 schools participated! It was a great opportunity for students to learn about and experience through hands on activities a wide variety of careers in construction & other industries. We partnered with Simonson Lumber and built mini mono trusses with the students. It was an EPIC event!

Builder Day at the Capitol
Rachel along with other members of the CMBA spent the day talking to area legislatures about bills and issues pertaining to the building industry. The decisions made at the hill not only affect our business, but more accurately they affect YOU, our clients. Some of our top priorities include preventing unnecessary rules that increase the cost to build & remodel, statewide code enforcement and workforce development.