During this period of quarantine, social distancing, we are spending a significant amount of time at home. How are you dealing & coping? Do you have enough toilet paper?? Are you bored and looking for something to do? We usually discourage DIY projects (read why, HERE) and still highly recommend hiring a professional. However, here are some home improvement projects you can tackle, while social distancing.

Plan Your Remodel
While we are limiting our face-to-face meetings, we can still chat with you and start the process. A remodel project takes time and now is a great time to plan your next home remodel project. Check out our Kitchen Remodel Questionnaire (click here) and Bathroom Remodel Questionnaire (click here). View our project gallery for inspiration on all types of projects (click here). Browse the DGC website –it is filled with useful tips, ideas and information.

Spring Home Maintenance
It’s officially Spring!! There are quite a few home maintenance items you should complete this time of year. Click here for our free printable checklist. Start tackling the list today!

Painting a room in your home can transform your entire space. Check out our top 10 painting tips for your next painting project!

Home Office
Many people are now working from home, which can be an adjustment when you’re accustomed to “going” to work and a traditional office setting. Check out these tips for setting up a home office, click here. Also, these are great tips for working from home, click here.

Update Home Decor
Spruce up your home with some fresh new home decor. Or maybe you now finally have time to hang that piece of artwork. Click here for our how to hang artwork tip!

Home Gym
Regular physical activity is always important, but especially in these times. Strengthened immune system, reduced stress and improved mental health are among some of the many benefits of exercising. While gyms and studios are currently closed, transform an area or spare room into a home gym.
As mentioned in this message from Dale, Home Check Plus is open and we are here to help with your home improvement projects. We hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself. Contact us with any questions or concerns.