Tips for Building an Addition

Building an Addition
Are you thinking about adding on to your home?  Here are some things to keep in mind when building an addition, so the new works well with the old.


Wish Wildly
The best place to start is with a wish list. Ask yourself what problems you want to solve and what goals you want to achieve. Once you have the list, rank the improvements in order of priority.


Respect the Rules
It is important to look into any legal restrictions of what can be built on the property, such as how close a structure can be built to property lines or height restrictions.


Stay in Scale
You don’t want your new master suite to overpower the house or make a room that could hardly be considered a closet.  Keep things in proportion.


Plan Positively
When designing your new space, be open to new possibilities. Being open to change allows you to use your new space to the best of its ability.


Expand Efficiently
Though additions are about getting extra room, they don’t need to be large.


Attractive Angles
An angled arrangement offers opportunities to add interesting exterior elements.


Consider Material Matters
A perfect or complimentary match can help make a new addition look like it’s been there all along.


Review Rooflines
Mimicking the style and pitch, or angle, of a building’s original roofline helps an addition fit in with the original structure.


Detail Deftly
Repetition of architectural features including windows, trim, doors, gutters, lighting and hardware is key to a well-designed addition.


Landscape Logically
An otherwise well-designed addition can look like it was hastly tacked on if the landscaping doesn’t follow the style of the original house.


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Pay attention to how the addition looks from the outside and inside your home.


Want to build an addition onto your home? Contact us to get started!



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